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285 matches found in 115 documents. Search time: 0.006 seconds.
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Score: 11.00
Title: A conserved threonine residue in the juxtamembrane domain of the XA21 pattern recognition receptor is critical for kinase autophosphorylation and XA21-mediated immunity .
Journal: J Biol Chem Citation: V : 285 P : 10454-63 Year: 2010 Type: MEDLINE
Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub20118235 Accession (PMID): 20118235
Score: 10.00
Title: Plasma membrane localization and potential endocytosis of constitutively expressed XA21 proteins in transgenic rice .
Journal: Mol Plant Citation: V : 3 P : 917-26 Year: 2010 Type: MEDLINE
Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub20616165 Accession (PMID): 20616165
Score: 10.00
Title: Adaptive evolution of Xa21 homologs in Gramineae .
Journal: Genetica Citation: V : 139 P : 1465-75 Year: 2011 Type: In-Process
Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub22451352 Accession (PMID): 22451352
Score: 9.00
Title: Biochemical characterization of the kinase domain of the rice disease resistance receptor-like kinase XA21 .
Journal: J Biol . Chem . Citation: V : 277 ( 23 ) P : 20264-9 Year: 2002 Type: ARTICLE
Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub11927577 Accession (PMID): 11927577
Score: 9.00
Title: Rice XA21 Binding Protein 3 Is a Ubiquitin Ligase Required for Full Xa21-Mediated Disease Resistance .
Journal: Citation: V : ( ) P : Year: 2006 Type: ARTICLE
Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub17172358 Accession (PMID): 17172358
Score: 9.00
Title: Rice XB15 , a protein phosphatase 2C , negatively regulates cell death and XA21-mediated innate immunity .
Journal: PLoS Biol Citation: V : 6 P : e231 Year: 2008 Type: MEDLINE
Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub18817453 Accession (PMID): 18817453
Score: 9.00
Title: Xa21D encodes a receptor-like molecule with a leucine-rich repeat domain that determines race-specific recognition and is subject to adaptive evolution .
Journal: Plant Cell Citation: V : 10 ( 5 ) P : 765-79 Year: 1998 Type: ARTICLE
Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub9596635 Accession (PMID): 9596635
Score: 8.00
Title: Genetic and physical analysis of the rice bacterial blight disease resistance locus , Xa21 .
Journal: Mol . Gen . Genet . Citation: V : 236 ( 1 ) P : 113-20 Year: 1992 Type: ARTICLE
Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub1362973 Accession (PMID): 1362973
Score: 8.00
Title: Isolation and characterization of rice mutants compromised in Xa21-mediated resistance to X oryzae pv . oryzae .
Journal: Theor . Appl . Genet . Citation: V : 108 ( 3 ) P : 379-84 Year: 2004 Type: ARTICLE
Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub14523518 Accession (PMID): 14523518
Score: 8.00
Title: Analysis of T-DNA Xa21 loci and bacterial blight resistance effects of the transgene Xa21 in transgenic rice .
Journal: Theor . Appl . Genet . Citation: V : 109 ( 3 ) P : 534-42 Year: 2004 Type: ARTICLE
Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub15088086 Accession (PMID): 15088086
Score: 8.00
Title: Elucidation of XA21-mediated innate immunity .
Journal: Cell Microbiol Citation: V : 12 P : 1017-25 Year: 2010 Type: MEDLINE
Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub20590657 Accession (PMID): 20590657
Score: 7.00
Title: Short communication : developmental control of Xa21-mediated disease resistance in rice .
Journal: Plant J Citation: V : 20 ( 2 ) P : 231-6 Year: 1999 Type: ARTICLE
Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub10571882 Accession (PMID): 10571882
Score: 7.00
Title: The autophosphorylated Ser686 , Thr688 , and Ser689 residues in the intracellular juxtamembrane domain of XA21 are implicated in stability control of rice receptor-like kinase .
Journal: Plant J Citation: V : 45 ( 5 ) P : 740-51 Year: 2006 Type: ARTICLE
Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub16460508 Accession (PMID): 16460508
Score: 7.00
Title: Ectopic expression of rice Xa21 overcomes developmentally controlled resistance to Xanthomonas oryzae pv . oryzae .
Journal: Plant Sci Citation: V : 179 P : 466-71 Year: 2010 Type: In-Data-Review
Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub21076626 Accession (PMID): 21076626
Score: 6.00
Title: [ Accelerated improvement of bacterial blight resistance of Shuhui527 using molecular marker-assisted selection ]
Journal: Sheng Wu Gong Cheng Xue Bao Citation: V : 19 ( 2 ) P : 153-7 Year: 2003 Type: ARTICLE
Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub15966313 Accession (PMID): 15966313
Score: 6.00
Title: Epigenetic inheritance in rice plants .
Journal: Ann Bot ( Lond ) Citation: V : 100 P : 205-17 Year: 2007 Type: MEDLINE
Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub17576658 Accession (PMID): 17576658
Score: 6.00
Title: [ Expression and autophosphorylation analysis of XA21 and PI-D2 protein kinases in Saccharomyces cerevisiae ]
Journal: Wei Sheng Wu Xue Bao Citation: V : 47 P : 1009-12 Year: 2007 Type: In-Process
Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub18271255 Accession (PMID): 18271255
Score: 6.00
Title: Dissection of the factors affecting development-controlled and race-specific disease resistance conferred by leucine-rich repeat receptor kinase-type R genes in rice .
Journal: Theor Appl Genet Citation: V : P : Year: 2009 Type: Publisher
Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub19390838 Accession (PMID): 19390838
Score: 6.00
Title: Overexpression of the endoplasmic reticulum chaperone BiP3 regulates XA21-mediated innate immunity in rice .
Journal: PLoS One Citation: V : 5 P : e9262 Year: 2010 Type: MEDLINE
Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub20174657 Accession (PMID): 20174657
Score: 5.00
Title: [ Generation of selectable marker-free and vector backbone sequence-free Xa21 transgenic rice ]
Journal: Sheng Wu Gong Cheng Xue Bao Citation: V : 22 ( 2 ) P : 204-10 Year: 2006 Type: ARTICLE
Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub16607944 Accession (PMID): 16607944
Score: 5.00
Title: [ Advances of rice bacterial blight disease resistance gene Xa21 ]
Journal: Yi Chuan Citation: V : 28 ( 6 ) P : 745-53 Year: 2006 Type: ARTICLE
Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub16818441 Accession (PMID): 16818441
Score: 5.00
Title: An ATPase promotes autophosphorylation of the pattern recognition receptor XA21 and inhibits XA21-mediated immunity .
Journal: Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A Citation: V : 107 P : 8029-34 Year: 2010 Type: MEDLINE
Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub20385831 Accession (PMID): 20385831
Score: 5.00
Title: Transcriptional characteristics of Xa21-mediated defense responses in rice .
Journal: J Integr Plant Biol Citation: V : 53 P : 300-11 Year: 2011 Type: MEDLINE
Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub21324061 Accession (PMID): 21324061
Score: 5.00
Title: Cleavage and nuclear localization of the rice XA21 immune receptor .
Journal: Nat Commun Citation: V : 3 P : 920 Year: 2012 Type: In-Data-Review
Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub22735448 Accession (PMID): 22735448
Score: 4.00
Title: [ Genetic mapping of T-DNA integration sites in Xa21 transgenic rice ]
Journal: Yi Chuan Xue Bao Citation: V : 29 ( 10 ) P : 880-6 Year: 2002 Type: ARTICLE
Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub12561472 Accession (PMID): 12561472
Score: 4.00
Title: Cloning and characterization of receptor kinase class disease resistance gene candidates in Citrus .
Journal: Theor . Appl . Genet . Citation: V : 108 ( 1 ) P : 53-61 Year: 2003 Type: ARTICLE
Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub13679986 Accession (PMID): 13679986
Score: 4.00
Title: [ Isolation and Sequence Analysis of the Xa21 Gene Wxon II Homologus from Different Species of Wild Rice in Yunnan . ]
Journal: Yi Chuan Citation: V : 27 ( 3 ) P : 382-286 Year: 2005 Type: ARTICLE
Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub15985401 Accession (PMID): 15985401
Score: 4.00
Title: [ Application of competitive PCR for screening selectable marker-free Xa21 transgenic rice ]
Journal: Sheng Wu Gong Cheng Xue Bao Citation: V : 25 P : 605-10 Year: 2009 Type: In-Process
Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub19637639 Accession (PMID): 19637639
Score: 4.00
Title: A type I-secreted , sulfated peptide triggers XA21-mediated innate immunity .
Journal: Science Citation: V : 326 P : 850-3 Year: 2009 Type: MEDLINE
Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub19892983 Accession (PMID): 19892983
Score: 4.00
Title: Metabolomic and transcriptomic analysis of the rice response to the bacterial blight pathogen Xanthomonas oryzae pv . oryzae .
Journal: Metabolomics Citation: V : 6 P : 451-465 Year: 2010 Type: Publisher
Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub20676379 Accession (PMID): 20676379
Score: 4.00
Title: [ A PCR marker-based selection for resistance to bacterial blight in rice ]
Journal: Yi Chuan Xue Bao Citation: V : 23 ( 2 ) P : 110-6 Year: Type: ARTICLE
Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub8695180 Accession (PMID): 8695180
Score: 3.00
Title: [ Introduction of wide spectrum rice bacterial blight resistance gene Xa21 into two-line genic male sterile rice variety Peiai 64S ]
Journal: Sheng Wu Gong Cheng Xue Bao Citation: V : 16 ( 2 ) P : 137-41 Year: 2000 Type: ARTICLE
Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub10976312 Accession (PMID): 10976312
Score: 3.00
Title: Are the dominant and recessive plant disease resistance genes similar? A case study of rice R genes and Xanthomonas oryzae pv . oryzae races .
Journal: Genetics Citation: V : 159 ( 2 ) P : 757-65 Year: 2001 Type: ARTICLE
Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub11606550 Accession (PMID): 11606550
Score: 3.00
Title: [ A genetically modified japonica restorer line , C418-Xa21 , and its hybrid rice with bacterial blight resistance ]
Journal: Sheng Wu Gong Cheng Xue Bao Citation: V : 17 ( 4 ) P : 380-4 Year: 2001 Type: ARTICLE
Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub11702691 Accession (PMID): 11702691
Score: 3.00
Title: The Xanthomonas oryzae pv . lozengeoryzae raxP and raxQ genes encode an ATP sulphurylase and adenosine-5-phosphosulphate kinase that are required for AvrXa21 avirulence activity .
Journal: Mol . Microbiol . Citation: V : 44 ( 1 ) P : 37-48 Year: 2002 Type: ARTICLE
Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub11967067 Accession (PMID): 11967067
Score: 3.00
Title: Bacterial genes involved in type I secretion and sulfation are required to elicit the rice Xa21-mediated innate immune response .
Journal: Mol . Plant Microbe Interact . Citation: V : 17 ( 6 ) P : 593-601 Year: 2004 Type: ARTICLE
Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub15195942 Accession (PMID): 15195942
Score: 3.00
Title: RaxH/RaxR : a two-component regulatory system in Xanthomonas oryzae pv . oryzae required for AvrXa21 activity .
Journal: Mol . Plant Microbe Interact . Citation: V : 17 ( 6 ) P : 602-12 Year: 2004 Type: ARTICLE
Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub15195943 Accession (PMID): 15195943
Score: 3.00
Title: [ Analysis of the transgenic rice plants derived from transformed anther calli ]
Journal: Yi Chuan Xue Bao Citation: V : 31 ( 12 ) P : 1381-7 Year: 2004 Type: ARTICLE
Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub15633644 Accession (PMID): 15633644
Score: 3.00
Title: Rice NRR , a negative regulator of disease resistance , interacts with Arabidopsis NPR1 and rice NH1 .
Journal: Plant J Citation: V : 43 ( 5 ) P : 623-35 Year: 2005 Type: ARTICLE
Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub16115061 Accession (PMID): 16115061
Score: 3.00
Title: Perception of the chitin oligosaccharides contributes to disease resistance to blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae in rice .
Journal: Plant J Citation: V : 64 P : 343-54 Year: 2010 Type: MEDLINE
Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub21070413 Accession (PMID): 21070413
Score: 3.00
Title: Enhancement of MAMP signaling by chimeric receptors improves disease resistance in plants .
Journal: Plant Signal Behav Citation: V : 6 P : 449-51 Year: 2011 Type: MEDLINE
Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub21364321 Accession (PMID): 21364321
Score: 3.00
Title: Identification and expression analysis of components involved in rice Xa21-mediated disease resistance signalling .
Journal: Plant Biol ( Stuttg ) Citation: V : P : Year: 2012 Type: Publisher
Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub22672582 Accession (PMID): 22672582
Score: 3.00
Title: A receptor kinase-like protein encoded by the rice disease resistance gene , Xa21 .
Journal: Science Citation: V : 270 ( 5243 ) P : 1804-6 Year: 1995 Type: ARTICLE
Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub8525370 Accession (PMID): 8525370
Score: 3.00
Title: The molecular basis of disease resistance in rice .
Journal: Plant Mol . Biol . Citation: V : 35 ( 1-2 ) P : 179-86 Year: 1997 Type: ARTICLE
Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub9291971 Accession (PMID): 9291971
Score: 2.00
Title: [ Amplification and analysis of T-DNA flanking sequences in transgenic rice ]
Journal: Yi Chuan Xue Bao Citation: V : 28 ( 4 ) P : 345-51 Year: Type: ARTICLE
Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub11329876 Accession (PMID): 11329876
Score: 2.00
Title: Marker assisted selection of bacterial blight resistance genes in rice .
Journal: Biochem . Genet . Citation: V : 39 ( 7-8 ) P : 261-78 Year: 2001 Type: ARTICLE
Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub11590832 Accession (PMID): 11590832
Score: 2.00
Title: [ Study on the teratogenicity effects of genetically modified rice with Xa21 on rats ]
Journal: Citation: V : 33 ( 6 ) P : 710-2 Year: 2004 Type: ARTICLE
Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub15727184 Accession (PMID): 15727184
Score: 2.00
Title: [ Effects of transgenes insertion on pollen vigor and hybrid seed set of rice ]
Journal: Citation: V : 16 ( 1 ) P : 115-8 Year: 2005 Type: ARTICLE
Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub15852969 Accession (PMID): 15852969
Score: 2.00
Title: From the Academy : Colloquium review . Unique characteristics of Xanthomonas oryzae pv . oryzae AvrXa21 and implications for plant innate immunity .
Journal: Proc . Natl . Acad . Sci . USA Citation: V : 103 ( 49 ) P : 18395-400 Year: 2006 Type: ARTICLE
Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub17082309 Accession (PMID): 17082309
Score: 2.00
Title: Adapting rice anther culture to gene transformation and RNA interference .
Journal: Sci . China , C , Life Sci . Citation: V : 49 ( 5 ) P : 414-28 Year: 2006 Type: ARTICLE
Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub17172048 Accession (PMID): 17172048

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