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1 matches found in 1 documents. Search time: 0.059 seconds.
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Score: 2.00
Title: [ Genetic analysis of two extremely segregation distorted populations in rice ( Oryza sativa L ) ]
Author: Tang D Guo LB Zeng DL Zhang GH Cheng ZK Qian Q
Journal: Yi Chuan Citation: V : 28 ( 10 ) P : 1259-64 Year: 2006 Type: ARTICLE
Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub17035185
Abstract: Segregation distortion is a quite common phenomenon in living species and thought to be a potent evolutional force . The main reasons of distorted segregation ratios are responsible for the selection of gametes or sporophytes . In this study , two extreme segregation distortions from the progenies of lmi x 02428 and d6 x 93-11 were identified . The segregation ratio of molecular markers tightly linked with LMI and D6 genes were analyzed and skew segregation were found in the markers tested which were indicated by significant deviation from the expected Mendelian segregation ratio ( 1 : 2 : 1 ) . The segregation distorted regions were detected between molecular markers ST8 and ST8-2 near the centromere of chromosome 8 , and ST7-1 and ST7-3 near telomere of chromosome 7 , respectively . Meanwhile , the results indicated that segregation distortion had related with the different crossed combinations .
Matching Sentences:
[ Sen. 5, subscore: 2.00 ]: The segregation distorted regions were detected between molecular markers ST8 and ST8-2 near the centromere of chromosome 8 , and ST7-1 and ST7-3 near telomere of chromosome 7 , respectively .
Supplemental links/files: reference in endnote online text related articles pubmed citation

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