417 matches found in 278 documents. Search time: 0.024 seconds. |
Score: 12.00 | Title: The role of altered acetyl-CoA carboxylase in conferring resistance to fenoxaprop-P-ethyl in Chinese sprangletop ( Leptochloa chinensis ( L ) Nees ) .
| Journal: Pest Manag . Sci . Citation: V : 62 ( 11 ) P : 1109-15 Type: ARTICLE | Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub16964592 | |
Score: 9.00 | Title: Field study on exposure and health effects of an organophosphate pesticide for maintaining registration in the Philippines .
| Journal: Citation: V : 81 ( 6 ) P : 463-73 Type: ARTICLE | Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub2100760 | |
Score: 7.00 | Title: Indoor residual spraying with alphacypermethrin controls malaria in Pakistan : a community-randomized trial | Journal: Trop . Med . Int . Health Citation: V : 5 ( 7 ) P : 472-81 Type: ARTICLE | Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub10964269 | |
Score: 7.00 | Title: Effects of Bacillus thuringiensis on non-target herbivore and natural enemy assemblages in tropical irrigated rice .
| Journal: Citation: V : 2 ( 3 ) P : 181-206 Type: ARTICLE | Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub15612416 | |
Score: 7.00 | Title: [ Effects of fungicide on temporal and spatial niches of Rhizoctonia solani ] | Journal: Citation: V : 16 ( 8 ) P : 1493-6 Type: ARTICLE | Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub16262065 | |
Score: 7.00 | Title: Original research : long-term efficacy and safety of periarticular hyaluronic acid in acute ankle sprain .
| Journal: Phys Sportsmed Citation: V : 37 P : 64-70 Type: In-Process | Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub20048489 | |
Score: 7.00 | Title: TEMPER : an acronym for ankle sprain rehabilitation .
| Journal: Citation: V : 5 ( 3 ) P : 661-75 Type: ARTICLE | Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub3293757 | |
Score: 6.00 | Title: Effect of growth stage on the efficacy of postemergence herbicides on four weed species of direct-seeded rice .
| Journal: ScientificWorldJournal Citation: V : 2012 P : 123071 Type: In-Process | Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub22619576 | |
Score: 6.00 | Title: [ The reconquest of the Madagascar highlands by malaria ] | Journal: Citation: V : 90 ( 3 ) P : 162-8 Type: ARTICLE | Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub9410249 | |
Score: 5.00 | Title: Floral spray transformation can efficiently generate Arabidopsis transgenic plants .
| Journal: Transgenic Res .
Citation: V : 9 ( 6 ) P : 471-6 Type: ARTICLE | Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub11206976 | |
Score: 5.00 | Title: Susceptibility of adult and larval stages of the horn fly , Haematobia irritans , to the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae under field conditions .
| Journal: Vet Parasitol Citation: V : 166 P : 136-43 Type: MEDLINE | Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub19713044 | |
Score: 4.00 | Title: Management of ankle sprains .
| Journal: Citation: V : 63 ( 1 ) P : 93-104 Type: ARTICLE | Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub11195774 | |
Score: 4.00 | Title: Biological monitoring of combined exposure to organophosphates and pyrethroids .
| Journal: Toxicol . Lett . Citation: V : 134 ( 1-3 ) P : 119-24 Type: ARTICLE | Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub12191869 | |
Score: 4.00 | Title: [ Effects of rice cleaning and cooking process on the residues of flutolanil , fenobucarb , silafluofen and buprofezin in rice ] | Journal: Shokuhin Eiseigaku Zasshi Citation: V : 44 ( 1 ) P : 7-12 Type: ARTICLE | Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub12749190 | |
Score: 4.00 | Title: [ Techniques of diseases , insect pests and weeds control and their efficacy in bio-rational rice production ] | Journal: Citation: V : 15 ( 1 ) P : 111-5 Type: ARTICLE | Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub15139200 | |
Score: 4.00 | Title: Distribution of organo-chlorine pesticides ( DDT and HCH ) between plant and soil system .
| Journal: Citation: V : 26 ( 2-3 ) P : 253-8 Type: ARTICLE | Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub15499781 | |
Score: 4.00 | Title: [ Effects of Bacillus thuringiensis transgenic rice and chemical insecticides on arthropod communities in paddy-fields ] | Journal: Citation: V : 15 ( 12 ) P : 2309-14 Type: ARTICLE | Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub15825447 | |
Score: 4.00 | Title: [ Use of agricultural insecticides in Benin ] | Journal: Citation: V : 98 ( 5 ) P : 400-5 Type: ARTICLE | Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub16425724 | |
Score: 4.00 | Title: Amino acid and energy digestibility of protein sources for growing pigs .
| Journal: J Anim . Sci . Citation: V : 84 ( 6 ) P : 1396-402 Type: ARTICLE | Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub16699096 | |
Score: 4.00 | Title: Effervescent fast-disintegrating bacterial formulation for biological control of rice sheath blight .
| Journal: Citation: V : ( ) P : Type: ARTICLE | Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub17428569 | |