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56 matches found in 25 documents. Search time: 0.154 seconds.
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Score: 14.00
Title: [ Analysis of the molecular motif for inducing response to jasmonic acid and ethylene in Pib promoter via rice transformation ] .
Author: Yu L Yang SH Jin YK Wan JM Zhao BQ
Journal: Yi Chuan Citation: V : 32 P : 73-80 Year: 2010 Type: MEDLINE
Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub20085889 Accession (PMID): 20085889
Abstract: The expression of Pib gene in rice was induced by hormone , such as jasmonic acid and ethylene . In order to determine the necessary regions of sequence or motifs for response to jasmonic acid and ethylene in Pib promoter , the full length promoter of Pib ( -3 , 572 approximately 2 bp ) and three different 5 deletion fragments of Pib promoter ( -2 , 692 approximately 2 bp , -1 , 335 approximately 2 bp , -761 approximately 2 bp ) were synthesized by PCR and then were substituted for 35S upstream gus in a binary plasmid to construct re-combined plasmids of Pib promoter-gus fusions . Transgenic rice plants of the four recombined plasmids were produced by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation . Quality and quantum analysis of gus activities in transgenic plants at both protein and mRNA levels were conducted . The promotion activity of the full length promoter of Pib ( -3 , 572 approximately 2 bp , pNAR901 ) was the highest in the four recombinants and the gus activities in its transgenic plant organs were enhanced obviously at 6 h after treatment with jasmonic acid or ethylene . The promotion activity of the deleted Pib promoters was significantly decreased and the response to jasmonic acid or ethylene treatment was not present when the -3 , 572 approximately -2 , 692 bp sequence was knocked out from the Pib promoter . Although the disparity in the lengths of the deleted Pib promoter of pNAR902 ( -2 , 692 approximately 2 bp ) , pNAR903 ( -1 , 335 approximately 2 bp ) , and pNAR904 ( -761 approximately 2 bp ) was more than 2 or 3 times , the response to jasmonic acid or ethylene treatment was not different among their transgenic plants . All these results indicated that the common deleted sequences ( -3 , 572 approximately -2 , 692 bp ) in the three deleted Pib promoter constructs were the essential region to the response to jasmonic acid and ethylene treatment . The result of pib promoter sequence searching indicated that there was only one GCCGCC motif at -2 , 722 bp of this common deleted segment in the Pib promoter sequence . Our rice transgenic results showed that the GCCGCC may be a cis-motif for Pib gene conferring response to jasmonic acid and ethylene for Pib gene .
Matching Sentences:
[ Sen. 2, subscore: 4.00 ]: In order to determine the necessary regions of sequence or motifs for response to jasmonic acid and ethylene in Pib promoter , the full length promoter of Pib ( -3 , 572 approximately 2 bp ) and three different 5 deletion fragments of Pib promoter ( -2 , 692 approximately 2 bp , -1 , 335 approximately 2 bp , -761 approximately 2 bp ) were synthesized by PCR and then were substituted for 35S upstream gus in a binary plasmid to construct re-combined plasmids of Pib promoter-gus fusions .
[ Sen. 6, subscore: 2.00 ]: The promotion activity of the deleted Pib promoters was significantly decreased and the response to jasmonic acid or ethylene treatment was not present when the -3 , 572 approximately -2 , 692 bp sequence was knocked out from the Pib promoter .
[ Sen. 9, subscore: 2.00 ]: The result of pib promoter sequence searching indicated that there was only one GCCGCC motif at -2 , 722 bp of this common deleted segment in the Pib promoter sequence .
[ Sen. 10, subscore: 2.00 ]: Our rice transgenic results showed that the GCCGCC may be a cis-motif for Pib gene conferring response to jasmonic acid and ethylene for Pib gene .
[ Sen. 1, subscore: 1.00 ]: The expression of Pib gene in rice was induced by hormone , such as jasmonic acid and ethylene .
[ Sen. 5, subscore: 1.00 ]: The promotion activity of the full length promoter of Pib ( -3 , 572 approximately 2 bp , pNAR901 ) was the highest in the four recombinants and the gus activities in its transgenic plant organs were enhanced obviously at 6 h after treatment with jasmonic acid or ethylene .
[ Sen. 7, subscore: 1.00 ]: Although the disparity in the lengths of the deleted Pib promoter of pNAR902 ( -2 , 692 approximately 2 bp ) , pNAR903 ( -1 , 335 approximately 2 bp ) , and pNAR904 ( -761 approximately 2 bp ) was more than 2 or 3 times , the response to jasmonic acid or ethylene treatment was not different among their transgenic plants .
[ Sen. 8, subscore: 1.00 ]: All these results indicated that the common deleted sequences ( -3 , 572 approximately -2 , 692 bp ) in the three deleted Pib promoter constructs were the essential region to the response to jasmonic acid and ethylene treatment .
Supplemental links/files: reference in endnote online text related articles pubmed citation
Score: 11.00
Title: Expression of the Pib rice-blast-resistance gene family is up-regulated by environmental conditions favouring infection and by chemical signals that trigger secondary plant defences .
Author: Wang ZX Yamanouchi U Katayose Y Sasaki T Yano M
Journal: Plant Mol . Biol . Citation: V : 47 ( 5 ) P : 653-61 Year: 2001 Type: ARTICLE
Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub11725950 Accession (PMID): 11725950
Abstract: The rice blast resistance gene Pib is a member of the nucleotide binding site ( NBS ) and leucine-rich repeat ( LRR ) class of plant disease resistance ( R ) genes and belongs to a small gene family . We describe here the isolation and characterization of a Pib homologue ( PibH8 ) , and extensive investigation of the expression of the Pib gene family ( Pib , PibH8 , HPibH8-1 , HPibH8-2 ) under various environmental and chemical treatments . PibH8 shows 42% identity and 60% similarity to Pib and , like Pib , has a duplication of the kinase 1a , 2 , and 3a motifs of the NBS region in the N-terminal half of the protein . Interestingly , genes of the Pib family exhibit a diurnal rhythm of expression . RNA gel blot analysis revealed that their expression was regulated dramatically by environmental signals . such as temperature , light and water availability . Their expression was also induced by chemical treatments , such as jasmonic acid , salicylic acid , ethylene and probenazole . Our findings suggest that expression of the Pib gene family is up-regulated by environmental conditions that would favour pathogen infection . This may reflect the evolution of anticipatory control of R gene expression .
Matching Sentences:
[ Sen. 2, subscore: 5.00 ]: We describe here the isolation and characterization of a Pib homologue ( PibH8 ) , and extensive investigation of the expression of the Pib gene family ( Pib , PibH8 , HPibH8-1 , HPibH8-2 ) under various environmental and chemical treatments .
[ Sen. 3, subscore: 3.00 ]: PibH8 shows 42% identity and 60% similarity to Pib and , like Pib , has a duplication of the kinase 1a , 2 , and 3a motifs of the NBS region in the N-terminal half of the protein .
[ Sen. 1, subscore: 1.00 ]: The rice blast resistance gene Pib is a member of the nucleotide binding site ( NBS ) and leucine-rich repeat ( LRR ) class of plant disease resistance ( R ) genes and belongs to a small gene family .
[ Sen. 4, subscore: 1.00 ]: Interestingly , genes of the Pib family exhibit a diurnal rhythm of expression .
[ Sen. 7, subscore: 1.00 ]: Our findings suggest that expression of the Pib gene family is up-regulated by environmental conditions that would favour pathogen infection .
Supplemental links/files: reference in endnote online text related articles pubmed citation
Score: 8.00
Title: Induced Pib Expression and Resistance to Magnaporthe grisea are Compromised by Cytosine Demethylation at Critical Promoter Regions in Rice .
Author: Li Y Xia Q Kou H Wang D Lin X Wu Y Xu C Xing S Liu B
Journal: J Integr Plant Biol Citation: V : P : Year: 2011 Type: Publisher
Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub21781278 Accession (PMID): 21781278
Abstract: Pib is a well-characterized rice blast-resistance gene belonging to the nucleotide binding site ( NBS ) and leucine-rich repeat ( LRR ) superfamily . Expression of Pib was low under non-challenged conditions , but strongly induced by the blast-causing fungal pathogen Magnaporthe grisea , thereby conferring resistance to the pathogen . It is generally established that cytosine methylation of the promoter-region often plays a repressive role in modulating expression of the gene in question . We report here that two critical regions of the Pib promoter were heavily CG cytosine-methylated in both cultivars studied . Surprisingly , induced expression of Pib by M grisea infection did not entail its promoter demethylation , and partial demethylation by 5-azacytidine-treatment actually reduced Pib expression relative to wild-type plants . Accordingly , the blast disease-resistance was compromised in the 5-azaC-treated plants relative to wild-type . In contrast , the disease susceptibility was not affected by the 5-azaC treatment in another two rice cultivars that did not contain the Pib gene , ruling out effects of other R genes and non-specific genotoxic effects by the drug-treatment as a cause for the compromised Pib-conditioned blast-resistance . Taken together , our results suggest that promoter DNA methylation plays a novel enhancing role in conditioning high-level of induced expression of the Pib gene in times of M grisea infection , and its conferred resistance to the pathogen .
Matching Sentences:
[ Sen. 5, subscore: 2.00 ]: Surprisingly , induced expression of Pib by M grisea infection did not entail its promoter demethylation , and partial demethylation by 5-azacytidine-treatment actually reduced Pib expression relative to wild-type plants .
[ Sen. 7, subscore: 2.00 ]: In contrast , the disease susceptibility was not affected by the 5-azaC treatment in another two rice cultivars that did not contain the Pib gene , ruling out effects of other R genes and non-specific genotoxic effects by the drug-treatment as a cause for the compromised Pib-conditioned blast-resistance .
[ Sen. 1, subscore: 1.00 ]: Pib is a well-characterized rice blast-resistance gene belonging to the nucleotide binding site ( NBS ) and leucine-rich repeat ( LRR ) superfamily .
[ Sen. 2, subscore: 1.00 ]: Expression of Pib was low under non-challenged conditions , but strongly induced by the blast-causing fungal pathogen Magnaporthe grisea , thereby conferring resistance to the pathogen .
[ Sen. 4, subscore: 1.00 ]: We report here that two critical regions of the Pib promoter were heavily CG cytosine-methylated in both cultivars studied .
[ Sen. 8, subscore: 1.00 ]: Taken together , our results suggest that promoter DNA methylation plays a novel enhancing role in conditioning high-level of induced expression of the Pib gene in times of M grisea infection , and its conferred resistance to the pathogen .
Supplemental links/files: reference in endnote online text related articles pubmed citation
Score: 7.00
Title: Identification of the rice blast resistance gene Pib in the National Small Grains Collection .
Author: Roychowdhury M Jia Y Jia MH Fjellstrom R Cartwright RD
Journal: Phytopathology Citation: V : 102 P : 700-6 Year: 2012 Type: MEDLINE
Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub22667447 Accession (PMID): 22667447
Abstract: The Pib gene in rice confers resistance to a wide range of races of the rice blast pathogen , Magnaporthe oryzae , including race IE1k that overcomes Pita , another broad-spectrum resistance gene . In this study , the presence of Pib was determined in 164 rice germplasm accessions from a core subset of the National Small Grains Collection utilizing DNA markers and pathogenicity assays . The presence of Pib was evaluated with two simple sequence repeat ( SSR ) markers and a dominant marker ( Pib-dom ) derived from the Pib gene sequence . Pathogenicity assays using two avirulent races ( IE1k and IB1 ) and a virulent race ( IB54 ) were performed to verify the resistance responses of accessions . Of the 164 accessions evaluated , 109 contained the Pib gene as determined using both SSR markers and pathogenicity assays , albeit different haplotypes were detected . The remaining 52 germplasm accessions were different in their responses to the blast races IB54 , IE1k , and IB1 , thus indicating the presence of R gene ( s ) other than Pib . The accessions characterized in this study could be used for marker-assisted breeding to improve blast resistance in indica and japonica cultivars worldwide .
Matching Sentences:
[ Sen. 3, subscore: 3.00 ]: The presence of Pib was evaluated with two simple sequence repeat ( SSR ) markers and a dominant marker ( Pib-dom ) derived from the Pib gene sequence .
[ Sen. 1, subscore: 1.00 ]: The Pib gene in rice confers resistance to a wide range of races of the rice blast pathogen , Magnaporthe oryzae , including race IE1k that overcomes Pita , another broad-spectrum resistance gene .
[ Sen. 2, subscore: 1.00 ]: In this study , the presence of Pib was determined in 164 rice germplasm accessions from a core subset of the National Small Grains Collection utilizing DNA markers and pathogenicity assays .
[ Sen. 5, subscore: 1.00 ]: Of the 164 accessions evaluated , 109 contained the Pib gene as determined using both SSR markers and pathogenicity assays , albeit different haplotypes were detected .
[ Sen. 6, subscore: 1.00 ]: The remaining 52 germplasm accessions were different in their responses to the blast races IB54 , IE1k , and IB1 , thus indicating the presence of R gene ( s ) other than Pib .
Supplemental links/files: reference in endnote online text related articles pubmed citation
Score: 6.00
Title: The Pib gene for rice blast resistance belongs to the nucleotide binding and leucine-rich repeat class of plant disease resistance genes .
Author: Wang ZX Yano M Yamanouchi U Iwamoto M Monna L Hayasaka H Katayose Y Sasaki T
Journal: Plant J Citation: V : 19 ( 1 ) P : 55-64 Year: 1999 Type: ARTICLE
Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub10417726 Accession (PMID): 10417726
Abstract: Rice blast , caused by the fungal pathogen Magnaporthe grisea , is one of the most serious diseases of rice . Here we describe the isolation and characterization of Pib , one of the rice blast resistance genes . The Pib gene was isolated by a map-based cloning strategy . The deduced amino acid sequence of the Pib gene product contains a nucleotide binding site ( NBS ) and leucine-rich repeats ( LRRs ) ; thus , Pib is a member of the NBS-LRR class of plant disease resistance genes . Interestingly , a duplication of the kinase 1a , 2 and 3a motifs of the NBS region was found in the N-terminal half of the Pib protein . In addition , eight cysteine residues are clustered in the middle of the LRRs , a feature which has not been reported for other R genes . Pib gene expression was induced upon altered environmental conditions , such as altered temperatures and darkness .
Matching Sentences:
[ Sen. 4, subscore: 2.00 ]: The deduced amino acid sequence of the Pib gene product contains a nucleotide binding site ( NBS ) and leucine-rich repeats ( LRRs ) ; thus , Pib is a member of the NBS-LRR class of plant disease resistance genes .
[ Sen. 2, subscore: 1.00 ]: Here we describe the isolation and characterization of Pib , one of the rice blast resistance genes .
[ Sen. 3, subscore: 1.00 ]: The Pib gene was isolated by a map-based cloning strategy .
[ Sen. 5, subscore: 1.00 ]: Interestingly , a duplication of the kinase 1a , 2 and 3a motifs of the NBS region was found in the N-terminal half of the Pib protein .
[ Sen. 7, subscore: 1.00 ]: Pib gene expression was induced upon altered environmental conditions , such as altered temperatures and darkness .
Supplemental links/files: reference in endnote online text related articles pubmed citation

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