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4 matches found in 3 documents. Search time: 0.214 seconds.
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Score: 5.00
Title: [ Influence of long-term fertilization on phosphorus fertility of calcareous soil II . Inorganic and organic phosphorus ]
Author: Xie L L J Zhang Y Liu L
Journal: Citation: V : 15 ( 5 ) P : 790-4 Year: 2004 Type: ARTICLE
Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub15320395 Accession (PMID): 15320395
Matching Sentences:
[ Sen. 3, subscore: 5.00 ]: The IPi value of inorganic phosphorus forms in different fertilizer treatments had the following characteristics : a ) it was relatively low for Ca2-P , Ca8-P and Al-P , but relatively high for Ca10-P , Fe-P and O-P ; b ) comparing with no fertilizer treatment , treatments animal manure and fallow had a notably high IPi value of Ca2-P , Ca8-P and Al-P and a low IPi value of Ca10-P , Fe-P and O-P ; while treatment chemical fertilizer had a high IPi value of Ca2-P , Ca8-P , Al-P and O-P , but a low IPi value of Ca10-P and Fe-P ; c ) as for available phosphorus source ( Ca2-P , Ca8-P and Al-P ) , their content was higher in treatment animal manure than in treatment chemical fertilizer , and higher in treatment chemical fertilizer than in treatments straws .
Supplemental links/files: reference in endnote online text related articles pubmed citation
Score: 3.00
Title: Identification of multi-gene families encoding isopentenyl diphosphate isomerase in plants by heterologous complementation in Escherichia coli .
Author: Cunningham FX Gantt E
Journal: Plant Cell Physiol . Citation: V : 41 ( 1 ) P : 119-23 Year: 2000 Type: ARTICLE
Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub10750717 Accession (PMID): 10750717
Matching Sentences:
[ Sen. 2, subscore: 2.00 ]: An analysis of these and other ipi leads us to suggest a separate origin for green algal and plant genes and propose that a single gene encodes plastid and cytosolic IPI in plants .
[ Sen. 1, subscore: 1.00 ]: Two cDNAs encoding isopentenyl diphosphate isomerase ( IPI ) in Adonis aestivalis , Arabidopsis thaliana , and Lactuca sativa , and single examples from Oryza sativa and Tagetes erecta were identified .
Supplemental links/files: reference in endnote online text related articles pubmed citation
Score: 2.00
Title: Evaluation of a layer diet formulated from non-conventional feedingstuffs .
Author: Ravindran V
Journal: Br . Poult . Sci . Citation: V : 36 ( 1 ) P : 165-70 Year: 1995 Type: ARTICLE
Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub7614021 Accession (PMID): 7614021
Matching Sentences:
[ Sen. 3, subscore: 2.00 ]: The new feedingstuffs included finger millet , rice polishings , rubber seed meal , cassava leaf meal , ipil ipil leaf meal and dried poultry manure .
Supplemental links/files: reference in endnote online text related articles pubmed citation

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