16143 matches found in 10766 documents. Search time: 0.257 seconds. |
Score: 19.00 | Title: Safety and nutritional assessment of GM plants and derived food and feed : the role of animal feeding trials .
| Type: MEDLINE | Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub18328408 Accession (PMID): 18328408 | |
Score: 18.00 | Title: Dynamic analysis of QTLs on tiller number in rice ( Oryza sativa L ) with single segment substitution lines .
| Type: In-Process | Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub22350178 Accession (PMID): 22350178 | |
Score: 15.00 | Title: Detection and characterization of glutathione S-transferase activity in rice EF-1betabetagamma and EF-1gamma expressed in Escherichia coli .
| Type: ARTICLE | Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub11676472 Accession (PMID): 11676472 | |
Score: 15.00 | Title: Particulate emission factors for mobile fossil fuel and biomass combustion sources .
| Type: MEDLINE | Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub21458027 Accession (PMID): 21458027 | |
Score: 13.00 | Title: [ Genetic effects of mineral elements of Fe , Zn , Mn and P in black pericarp rice grains ] | Type: ARTICLE | Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub11132495 Accession (PMID): 11132495 | |
Score: 13.00 | Title: Developmental behavior of gene expression for brown rice thickness under different environments .
| Type: ARTICLE | Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub12203916 Accession (PMID): 12203916 | |
Score: 13.00 | Title: Does Cryotherapy Improve Outcomes With Soft it issue Injury?
| Type: ARTICLE | Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub15496998 Accession (PMID): 15496998 | |
Score: 12.00 | Title: The Greenhouse effect : impacts of ultraviolet-B ( UV-B ) radiation , carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) , and ozone ( O3 ) on vegetation .
| Type: ARTICLE | Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub15092357 Accession (PMID): 15092357 | |
Score: 12.00 | Title: Cytoplasm affects grain weight and filled-grain ratio in indica rice .
| Type: MEDLINE | Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub21631950 Accession (PMID): 21631950 | |
Score: 11.00 | Title: Heat-stress induced synthesis of chloroplast protein synthesis elongation factor ( EF-Tu ) in a heat-tolerant maize line .
| Type: ARTICLE | Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub11289600 Accession (PMID): 11289600 | |
Score: 11.00 | Title: Endocannabinoids and pain : spinal and peripheral analgesia in inflammation and neuropathy .
| Type: ARTICLE | Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub12052040 Accession (PMID): 12052040 | |
Score: 11.00 | Title: [ Genetic effects on grain shape traits of indica black pericarp rice and their genetic correlations with main mineral element contents in grains ] | Type: ARTICLE | Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub12200859 Accession (PMID): 12200859 | |
Score: 11.00 | Title: Analysis on additive effects and additive-by-additive epistatic effects of QTLs for yield traits in a recombinant inbred line population of rice .
| Type: ARTICLE | Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub12582891 Accession (PMID): 12582891 | |
Score: 11.00 | Title: Citrate transporters play a critical role in aluminium-stimulated citrate efflux in rice bean ( Vigna umbellata ) roots .
| Type: ARTICLE | Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub16446286 Accession (PMID): 16446286 | |
Score: 11.00 | Title: Identification of novel type III secretion effectors in Xanthomonas oryzae pv . oryzae .
| Type: MEDLINE | Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub19061406 Accession (PMID): 19061406 | |
Score: 11.00 | Title: Breastfeeding promotion for infants in neonatal units : a systematic review and economic analysis .
| Type: MEDLINE | Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub19728934 Accession (PMID): 19728934 | |
| Type: Publisher | Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub21243095 Accession (PMID): 21243095 | |
Score: 10.00 | Title: Ozonation of textile wastewater : physicochemical and phytotoxic aspects .
| Type: ARTICLE | Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub12090258 Accession (PMID): 12090258 | |
Score: 10.00 | Title: How do plants achieve tolerance to phosphorus deficiency?
Small causes with big effects .
| Type: ARTICLE | Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub14605228 Accession (PMID): 14605228 | |
Score: 10.00 | Title: Genetic analysis of non-essential amino acid contents in rice ( Oryza sativa L ) across environments .
| Type: ARTICLE | Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub15660973 Accession (PMID): 15660973 | |