63 matches found in 28 documents. Search time: 0.042 seconds. |
Score: 10.00 | Title: Characterization of beta-glucosidase from a strain of Penicillium purpurogenum KJS506 .
| Year: 2010 | Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub20043150 | |
Score: 7.00 | Title: Rice BGlu1 glycosynthase and wild type transglycosylation activities distinguished by cyclophellitol inhibition .
| Year: 2012 | Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub22418094 | |
Score: 6.00 | Title: Complex arrangement of dispersed repeated DNA sequences in Oryza officinalis .
| Year: 1996 | Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub8851805 | |
Score: 5.00 | Title: Expression of thermostable bacterial beta-glucosidase ( BglB ) in transgenic tobacco plants .
| Year: 2010 | Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub20427180 | |
Score: 4.00 | Title: Purification , crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of rice BGlu1 beta-glucosidase with and without 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-beta-D-glucoside .
| Year: 2006 | Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub16880561 | |
Score: 4.00 | Title: Enzymatic synthesis of cello-oligosaccharides by rice BGlu1 { beta } -glucosidase glycosynthase mutants .
| Year: 2007 | Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub17405771 | |
Score: 3.00 | Title: Beta-glucosidase , exo-beta-glucanase and pyridoxine transglucosylase activities of rice BGlu1 .
| Year: 2004 | Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub14692878 | |
Score: 3.00 | Title: Structural insights into rice BGlu1 beta-glucosidase oligosaccharide hydrolysis and transglycosylation .
| Year: 2008 | Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub18308333 | |
Score: 3.00 | Title: The structural basis of oligosaccharide binding by rice BGlu1 beta-glucosidase .
| Year: 2011 | Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub20884352 | |
Score: 3.00 | Title: The rice bright green leaf ( bgl ) locus encodes OsRopGEF10 , which activates the development of small cuticular papillae on leaf surfaces .
| Year: 2011 | Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub22038138 | |