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Score: 2.00
Title: A rapid , direct observation method to isolate mutants with defects in starch grain morphology in rice .
Author: Matsushima R Maekawa M Fujita N Sakamoto W
Journal: Plant Cell Physiol Citation: V : 51 P : 728-41 Year: 2010 Type: MEDLINE
Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub20360021 Accession (PMID): 20360021
Abstract: Starch forms transparent grains , referred to as starch grains ( SGs ) , in amyloplasts . Despite the simple glucose polymer composition of starch , SGs exhibit different morphologies depending on plant species , especially in the endosperm of the Poaceae family . This study reports a novel method for preparing thin sections of endosperm without chemical fixation or resin embedding that allowed us to visualize subcellular SGs clearly . Using this method , we observed the SG morphologies of >5 , 000 mutagenized rice seeds and were able to isolate mutants in which SGs were morphologically altered . In five mutants , named ssg ( substandard starch grain ) , increased numbers of small SGs ( ssg1-ssg3 ) , enlarged SGs ( ssg4 ) and abnormal interior structures of SGs ( ssg5 ) were observed . Amylopectin chain length distribution analysis and identification of the mutated gene suggested a possible allelic relationship between ssg1 , ssg2 , ssg3 and the previously isolated amylose-extender ( ae ) mutants , while ssg4 and ssg5 seemed to be novel mutants . Compared with conventional observation methods , the methods developed here are more effective for obtaining fine images of subcellular SGs and are suitable for the observation of a large number of samples .
Matching Sentences:
[ Sen. 5, subscore: 1.00 ]: In five mutants , named ssg ( substandard starch grain ) , increased numbers of small SGs ( ssg1-ssg3 ) , enlarged SGs ( ssg4 ) and abnormal interior structures of SGs ( ssg5 ) were observed .
[ Sen. 6, subscore: 1.00 ]: Amylopectin chain length distribution analysis and identification of the mutated gene suggested a possible allelic relationship between ssg1 , ssg2 , ssg3 and the previously isolated amylose-extender ( ae ) mutants , while ssg4 and ssg5 seemed to be novel mutants .
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