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Score: 5.00
Title: Evidence of an auxin signal pathway , microRNA167-ARF8-GH3 , and its response to exogenous auxin in cultured rice cells .
Author: Yang JH Han SJ Yoon EK Lee WS .
Journal: Nucleic Acids Res . Citation: V : 34 ( 6 ) P : 1892-9 Year: Type: ARTICLE
Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub16598073 Accession (PMID): 16598073
Abstract: MicroRNA167 ( miR167 ) was shown to cleave auxin responsive factor 8 ( ARF8 ) mRNA in cultured rice cells . MiR167 level was found to be controlled by the presence of auxin in the growth medium . When cells grew in auxin-free medium , miR167 level decreased , resulting in an increase in the level of ARF8 mRNA . Cells growing in the normal growth medium containing auxin showed a reversed trend . It was also shown that expression of OsGH3-2 , an rice IAA-conjugating enzyme , was positively regulated by ARF8 . Delivery of synthesized miR167 into cells led to decrease of both ARF8 mRNA and OsGH3-2 mRNA . This study provides an evidence in which the exogeneous auxin signal is transduced to OsGH3-2 through miR167 and ARF8 in sequence . This proposed auxin signal transduction pathway , auxin-miR167-ARF8-OsGH3-2 , could be , in conjunction with the other microRNA-mediated auxin signals , an important one for responding to exogeneous auxin and for determining the cellular free auxin level which guides appropriate auxin responses .
Matching Sentences:
[ Sen. 1, subscore: 1.00 ]: MicroRNA167 ( miR167 ) was shown to cleave auxin responsive factor 8 ( ARF8 ) mRNA in cultured rice cells .
[ Sen. 3, subscore: 1.00 ]: When cells grew in auxin-free medium , miR167 level decreased , resulting in an increase in the level of ARF8 mRNA .
[ Sen. 5, subscore: 1.00 ]: It was also shown that expression of OsGH3-2 , an rice IAA-conjugating enzyme , was positively regulated by ARF8 .
[ Sen. 6, subscore: 1.00 ]: Delivery of synthesized miR167 into cells led to decrease of both ARF8 mRNA and OsGH3-2 mRNA .
[ Sen. 7, subscore: 1.00 ]: This study provides an evidence in which the exogeneous auxin signal is transduced to OsGH3-2 through miR167 and ARF8 in sequence .
Supplemental links/files: reference in endnote online text related articles pubmed citation

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