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Score: 2.00
Title: Understanding the differential nitrogen sensing mechanism in rice genotypes through expression analysis of high and low affinity ammonium transporter genes .
Author: Gaur VS Singh US Gupta AK Kumar A
Journal: Mol Biol Rep Citation: V : 39 P : 2233-41 Year: 2012 Type: MEDLINE
Literature: oryza Field: abstract Doc ID: pub21678052 Accession (PMID): 21678052
Abstract: Two rice genotypes , Kalanamak 3119 ( KN3119 ) and Pusa Basmati 1 ( PB1 ) differing in their optimum nitrogen requirements ( 30 and 120 kg/ha , respectively ) were undertaken to study the expression of both high and low affinity ammonium transporter genes responsible for ammonium uptake . Exposing the roots of the seedlings of both the genotypes to increasing ( NH ( 4 ) ) ( 2 ) SO ( 4 ) concentrations revealed that all the three families of rice AMT genes are expressed , some of which get altered in a genotype and concentration specific manner . This indicates that individual ammonium transporter genes have defined contributions for ammonium uptake and plant growth . Interestingly , in response to increasing nitrogen concentrations , a root specific high affinity gene , AMT1 ; 3 , was repressed in the roots of KN3119 but not in PB1 indicating the existence of a differential ammonium sensing mechanism . This also indicates that not only AMT1 ; 3 is involved not only in ammonium uptake but may also in ammonium sensing . Further , if it can differentiate and could be used as a biomarker for nitrogen responsiveness . Expression analysis of low affinity AMT genes showed that , both AMT2 ; 1 and AMT2 ; 2 have high levels of expression in both roots and shoots and in KN3119 are induced at low ammonium concentrations . Expressions of AMT3 family genes were higher shoots than in the roots indicating that these genes are probably involved in the translocation and distribution of ammonium ions in leaves . The expression of the only high affinity AMT gene , AMT1 ; 1 , along with six low affinity AMT genes in the shoots suggests that low affinity AMTs in the shoots leaves are involved in supporting AMT1 ; 1 to carry out its activities/function efficiently .
Matching Sentences:
[ Sen. 7, subscore: 2.00 ]: Expression analysis of low affinity AMT genes showed that , both AMT2 ; 1 and AMT2 ; 2 have high levels of expression in both roots and shoots and in KN3119 are induced at low ammonium concentrations .
Supplemental links/files: reference in endnote online text related articles pubmed citation

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